You must to either trim or remove your plastic inner fender liner for these to be effective.
Pictures of the prototypes as tested on the HyperMiata:

Optional GLTC Covers: These optional covers are for those running in a series like Gridlife Touring Cup where the size of the fender louver opening is limited by the rules. These cover the rear portion of the fender louvers and reduce the opening size down to 45 square inches. The covers will come with bolts and nuts so that they can be removable for when you are running in other series or unrestricted track days, etc. and want to get the full benefit of the unrestricted fender louvers. The covers ship flat and in bare aluminum. See the video below which covers these in more detail.
INSTALL NOTE: Our products are all about enabling DIYers. That said, the Miata front fenders have a 3D curve to them – and we did not want to compromise placement (and therefore performance) just to make the install easier. That makes fitting these louvers a bit more work than a louver install in a mostly flat panel like our hood louvers. Have no fear! If you’ve installed our hood louvers, you’ve got the ability to install these! Just note that these require some final adjusting of the overall curvature of the louvers to match the shape of the fender, which can be done by hand with a set of channel lock pliers; test fit the louver in the hole you’ve cut in the fender, and with the pliers make small adjustments to the angles of either side of the louvers that mount to the fender until they match up with the curve of the fender. Put some tape on the plier jaws so you don’t scratch the louver. Take it in small steps and you’ll have them matching up to the fender nicely in no time.
Pics of final version installed by customers: